Netizen is whatttt ~ (1CiTiZEN)

Jumaat December,7 2012
8 a.m till 12 noon

what the helll *soreeyes*
first though,
why the government wasting their(our) money for something like this ?

after the very first class.
there's had the important input actually. o_O
digital rights and right of others.
a common sense as IT's users.
seriously ?
 web page for 1CiTiZEN
need to register, have examination, do portfolio and others. *hashtag whatever ~*
but quite AWESOME.

 1CiTiZEN Student Quick Reference's book
this a copy from that book,
'1CiTiZEN is a special training program developed by Prestariang Systems Sdn. Bhd. to foster national unity via appropriate use of technology. It inspires Netizen to become critical thinkers that understand ETHICAL CONSEQUENCES OF ONLINE BEHAVIOR.' *readthecapslockclearly*

this program will help you in getting your IC 1CiTiZEN Certification.
seriously for what ? whatttttt ~

 three times classes.
every FRIDAY. there should be no class at all. =_="
the third class will be the examination day.
okay, then.

  8 am till 12 noon, and guess what ? i'm HUNGRY and freezing in the lab
good and nice drink actually for RM1.60 (KoSiswa UTeM)
by the way, the lab for this class at 4th floor and we awesome

to be continue in the next 1CiTiZEN's class


notyours said…
So, all in all, you did enjoyed this class right? I'm gonna attend this class tomorrow and I already has this perspective on this class that it's not gonna be fun and boring. Plus it ruins our weekend! Goddamnit. Well, hopefully I'll benefit something from this class. Anyway, thank you for sharing your thoughts. God bless :)

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