finally first JOHO collection

yeaaahhhhhhh ! end of 5th semester.

lepas assigment
lepas quiz
lepas labtest
lepas exam
lepas mini project
lepas final presentation

walaupon exam habis dua hari yang lepas. tetapi kami masih ade lagi presentation. baru je lepas tadi.
and thanks a lot Pak Nata sebab sangat-sangat berkerjasama.
the last and the best presentation. ahahahakks.
sekali present 10 orang, 2 group, 1 system.

and this instax picture with le housemates. lovely and pretty.
last paper at Dewan Besar.

i learned lot of new think this semester. and meet various kinds of people. i heard many stories. i saw a variety of drama. variety kauu. tak macam drama tivi yang typical asyik khawin paksarela. yeahh, i make mistake, regrets, and Inn Sha Allah akan dijadikan tauladan.

and this semester aku berjaya berkerjasama dengan kengkawan yang tak pernah aku kerjasama. banyak pengetahuan baru dan pengalaman baru. awesome. seronok ade teammates pelbagai karenah. seronok. macam-macam boleh belajar.

dan semester ni jugak. kebanyakkan lecturer are my favorite. ahakks. mencabar. dapat belajar secara independent. semua kena buat sendiri. one more time Awesomeeeeee!

 and my first and only JOHO collection. 
 glow in the dark keychain typo Respect.
awesomeeeee !
klik gambar untuk ke lokasi kejadian dan pemberitahuan.

*can't wait for Empayar Kukubesi store at Skudai in March !


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