not bad lahh..

my result for final exam dah keluar-lah.. huhuhuhu...
mencikk..!! TAK DAPAT ANUGERAH DEKAN..!! hahahahkk.. berangan-lah aku ini..
but so far, my result okayy-lahh..
CONGRATS to all friends yang dapat result gempak-gempak.. seriously I'M JEALOUS..!!
can't wait for next semester.. nak fight lagi..!! huahahahah.. *evillaugh..

mine.. ^^v 

nampak macam jakun tak, kalau aku tayang bende nie kat sini.. hihihkkk... 
dah tertayang dah pon.. aku memang jakun.. PEACE YOO...!!

honestly.. before aku masok U nie.. aku tak pernah terpikir pon nak sambung belajar.. seriously.. tak bercita-cita pon.. but who i'm now.. where i'm now.. makes me being better person.. i'm proud with my decision and i'm proud to be ME... faham..?? almaklum-lah asas bahasa inggeris B- jeee... hahahhahkkk.. at least i'm trying to do the best of the best.. thanks a lot to my parents, siblings, friends, teachers and lecturers.. 

love this quote so damn much..!!


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