
Showing posts from November, 2014

tolong boleh?

bak kate orang 'tolong menolong amalan mulia' orang kate. aku ade terjumpa satu kes yang berkaitan dengan tolong menolong. bagi aku tak patut dan pelik. dia minta tolong orang. orang tu taknak tolong sebab rasa menyusahkan. orang yang minta tolong ni dia punya sakit hati sampai nak putus sedare. kemainnn. bagi aku-lah. memang kita boleh minta tolong, tapi kalau orang taknak tolong, kau tak payah nak bash kemain sangat. mungkin ade sebab dia taknak tolong, atau mungkin ade kekangan yang tak dapat dielakkan. kau sakit hati sangat dah kenapa. kalau tolong tak ikhlas kau kate lain plak kann. sikit-sikit terkikis respect aku kat kau. kau paksa-paksa orang tolong kau. kejadah kau. orang tak tolong kau tarik muka. kejadah lagi double triple kejadah. jangan hidup senang dengan menyusahkan orang lain. biar susah menyenangkan orang lain. redha dan ikhlas. ade faham?

Pulau Pinang Kawan Diploma

its been a while i'm not update or post anything on my blog. by the way, i'm already graduate for Diploma in Information and Communication Technology. and and and currently i'm continue my study in Degree of Computer Science (Computer Networking) and yeahhh at the same university. yesss welcome to networking fields the busiest course in the world. perhaps. hahaha. quite a lot story i want to share here. but i dont know where to start. so lets begin with....... ohh my trip to Penang with my diploma's friends. lets share the photos. and since its happen long time ago (not very long but yeaahh) and i forgot the actual date and name of the places so just enjoy a few photo here.  this the clock near the Kota Lama. awesome right? entrace at Hin Bus Depot some awesome painting at Hin Bus Depot  good friends come with good laughter. yekee?  ini dalam camera museum tak silap.  found this cute mail b...